
Western Visayas Agri-Info Officers train on new communication trends

Posted by: RAFIS DA6 | Posted at: July 25, 2024

The Department of Agriculture (DA) Western Visayas recently hosted an informative workshop in Banga, Aklan, from July 22 to 24, aimed at enhancing the communication capabilities of information officers from DA-attached bureaus and agencies, provincial counterparts, and farmcasters. This forward-thinking event focused on three key areas: AI broadcasting, social media design, and smartphone photography. These areas, when combined, provide a comprehensive suite of skills essential for modern information dissemination, ensuring participants are well-prepared for the challenges of the digital age.

The workshop began with an introduction to current trends in Broadcast Media and the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) broadcasting. Jeffrey Dela Cruz of DYMK—RMN Kalibo, Aklan, demonstrated how AI can streamline content creation, enhance broadcasting capabilities, and personalize audience engagement. He highlighted that integrating AI into communication strategies can revolutionize information sharing, making it more efficient and tailored to specific audience needs. However, Dela Cruz also cautioned that users should consider AI’s disadvantages, as it is still a developing tool.

Following the AI broadcasting sessions, attendees explored social media design. Vivien Nimue Quimpo from the DA-WV Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Information Section (RAFIS) introduced participants to the latest tools and trends, providing hands-on training to help them craft more engaging and visually appealing content. These skills are set to transform the way information officers and DA-WV representatives communicate with their audiences, ensuring that their messages not only reach but also captivate their intended recipients.

The workshop concluded with an in-depth exploration of smartphone photography led by Je Erryl Shayne Esmao, also from DA-WV RAFIS. The sessions covered essential techniques such as composition, lighting, and editing, empowering attendees to produce professional-grade images using mobile devices. This segment underscored the importance of visual storytelling in effective communication, a crucial skill for anyone tasked with public information duties.

Overall, the workshop provided valuable skills and knowledge that will transform the communication strategies of provincial information officers and DA-WV representatives. Equipped with these modern tools, they are now better positioned to enhance their community engagement and communication strategies, paving the way for more effective and impactful public service.###Texts by VNOQuimpo/Photos by DA-RAFIS 6