
Training Program Enhances Corn Pest Monitoring in Negros Occidental

Posted by: RAFIS DA6 | Posted at: June 4, 2024

The Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC) 6 conducted a corn pest monitoring training aimed at improving corn pest monitoring and management, May 29 to 31, 2024 in Murcia, Negros Occidental. Thirty agricultural technicians and farmer leaders from various municipalities and cities across the province of Negros Occidental participated in the activity.

Based on the Bantay Peste Brigade concept, the training focused on equipping Agricultural Technicians, Corn Farm Leaders, and Farmers with the skills needed to identify and manage major corn pests and diseases. Continuous corn planting has been linked to frequent outbreaks of pests, necessitating a robust monitoring system for effective pest management decisions.

Key presentations included updates on regional corn program activities by Renan Palomo, Regional Corn Program Action Officer, an overview of major corn pests and diseases by Ian Mark Ciocon, Science Research Specialist II at the Regional Crop Protection Center, and techniques on corn pest monitoring, biological control agents, and Fall Armyworm (FAW) identification and management by Micheal Magan, Science Research Specialist II. The training also featured practical fieldwork where participants applied monitoring techniques and processed collected field data. Additionally, Ryan Rasgo, Chief of the Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC), discussed Insect Pest Management (IPM) concepts and principles.

The training aimed to refresh knowledge on identifying and managing major corn pests and diseases, train farmer leaders and farmers to identify useful organisms in the corn ecosystem, update Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) on monitoring and sampling techniques and data collection, and enhance AEWs’ understanding of pest and disease management strategies for timely recommendations to farmers.

The training underscored the role of farmer pest scouts, who will monitor and manage pests within their production clusters with guidance from Provincial or Municipal crop protection specialists.

This initiative aims to create a sustainable and effective pest management system, ultimately leading to higher corn yields and improved agricultural productivity in Negros Occidental.### Texts by AJMSubade/DA-RAFIS 6 & Photos by IMCiocon/DA-RCPC 6