
Silay City proposes VCRI support for swine

Posted by: RAFIS DA6 | Posted at: August 9, 2024

The City Local Government Unit (CLGU) of Silay in Negros Occidental proposes Value Chain Rural Infrastructure (VCRI) support for PRDP Scale-Up aiming to provide further interventions for swine commodity in the municipality.

As per the implementation of the Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) of Negros Occidental, the province has established the most number of interventions for swine commodity having six (6) enterprises and seven (7) infrastructures.

Silay City aims to progress the PCIP implementation in the province with a double ‘AA’ abattoir.

Subproject Validation and  PRDP Scale- Up Orientation

In view of the proposal, the Regional Project Coordination Office 6 team visited the prospected location for the facility on August 6, 2024 to check on the qualifications of the planned site according to the provisions of the Scale-Up Operations Manual.

Significantly taking into consideration one of the crucial requirements for he SES Unit, implementing LGUs are to relocate residents within the 200-meter radius from the facility to maintain health and sanitation and as the mandated under the Philippine Sanitation Code of the Presidential Decree 856.

Meanwhile, under the PRDP Scale-Up, VCRIs shall be funded under the I-BUILD Component on the event of having no Farmers and Fishers Associations and Cooperatives (FACs) qualified to manage the establishment to form part of the I-REAP Component.

Awaiting the closing of the Additional Financing 2 from the Original Loan, the 6 provinces in the region can continue their pursuit of bigger interventions for their priority commodities under PRDP Scale Up.###