
Hybrid rice seeds ready for rainy season planting in Iloilo

Posted by: RAFIS DA6 | Posted at: May 29, 2024


As the first cropping season begins with the onset of the rainy season, rice farmers in Sara, Iloilo, are seizing the opportunity to boost their yields through the timely distribution of hybrid rice seeds on May 28, 2024. Over 200 farmers are benefiting from this initiative under the Masagana 200 Hybrid Rice Program by the Department of Agriculture, aimed at enhancing rice production and ensuring food security amidst the looming threat of El Niño.

Under the program, 375 bags of hybrid rice seeds were distributed to cover a total of 190 hectares of rice fields. The distribution event was marked by the presence of Sara Vice Mayor Ryan S. Zerrudo, who commended the farmers for their resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges posed by El Niño.


“Your dedication and hard work are the backbone of our agriculture sector,” Vice Mayor Zerrudo said. “It is crucial that we continue to learn and adopt new technologies to enhance the quality and yield of our produce.”

Aside from the Masagana 200 initiative, rice farmers will also receive 1,300 bags of inbred seeds from PhilRice under the Masagana 150 program. Under this program, farmers are expected to yield 7.5 tons of inbred rice per hectare, while Masagana 200 aims for 10 tons of hybrid rice per hectare.

The Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with its attached agencies, is committed to providing ongoing support and technical assistance to the farmers. This includes guidance in the planting and monitoring of the seeds distributed to ensure optimal growth and productivity.

The program not only aims to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change but also to promote sustainable farming practices among the local farmers. Strengthened coordination between the Department of Agriculture and local government units is pivotal in delivering these resources effectively and ensuring the success of the initiative.

As the rainy season progresses, the farmers of Sara, Iloilo, remain hopeful and determined, backed by the support and resources provided through the Masagana 200 Hybrid Rice Program.### Texts and Photos by AJMSubade/DA-RAFIS 6