DA-WV implements INSPIRE Program for ASF recovery

The emergence of the African Swine Fever (ASF) in the Iloilo Province began on the 4th quarter of 2022, which led for it to spread all across region 6. This resulted to the deaths of countless of hogs across the region and the sudden increase of pork prices due to the lack of supply on hogs. This unfortunate event led for the Department of Agriculture Western Visayas (DA-WV) to implement the Integrated National Swine Production Initiative for Recovery and Expansion (INSPIRE) Program to counter the effects of ASF within the region.

In an interview with Bombo Radyo Iloilo, DA Livestock Coordinator and Focal Person for NLP INSPIRE, Region 6 Glenn L. Mariano recalled that in the Province of Iloilo alone, there was a 70% decrease of hog population due to the spread of the ASF virus.

Thus, the INSPIRE Program aims to speed up the repopulation and recovery of the hog industry in order to ensure the availability, accessibility and affordability of pork products in the local market.

The Department of Agriculture’s INSPIRE Program is designed to assist the recovery of the hog industry after the ASF crisis and is a direct response to the demands of the sector. It emphasizes the role of Local Government Units (LGUs) and other industry stakeholders, with DA, through the Regional Field Offices and other implementing units of the National Livestock Program (NLP), playing a significant part in the implementation of its components; LGUs and stakeholders, in particular, Farmer Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs).

According to Mariano, the INSPIRE Program has four objectives: First, is the restoration of the lost livelihood on the ASF-affected hog raisers, especially those on the backyard or small-hold level. Second, is to produce a genetically superior breeder and finishers or slaughter pigs. Third, is the intensification and modernization of our production system. This meant that we may no longer go back to the old, traditional method in taking care of hogs as it may leave them vulnerable to diseases, especially ASF. And lastly, so that we may implement biosecurity protocol to protect livestock, especially pigs.

Mariano said that components in the program include the Calibrated Repopulation thru Implementation of Sentinel Protocol which focuses on upgrading the classification of zones from Red Zones, or the areas affected by the ASF, into Pink Zones up to Yellow Zones in order to slowly restore the livelihood of our hog raisers. Also the importance of protocols and requirements that the LGUs need to follow and submit in order to upgrade the status of a municipality.

“Currently, we have 44 LGUs in Western Visayas that have been upgraded from Red Zone into Pink Zone. And as of now, our initiatives are ongoing so that we could conduct the Sentineling Program. We began in Oton where the ongoing environmental swabbing is still being conducted, and wherein we have 250 farmer beneficiaries who were able to receive the intervention from our INSPIRE Program,” added Mariano.

Another component, especially on the production side, is the implementation of production farms. Mariano stated that there are currently 30 sow level multiplier farm projects where it serves as the production of quality breeder piglets and shall be where farmers may avail their breeders. In addition, there is also the implementation of 30 sow level production farms, where it may also serve as the source for piglets to be fatten to become slaughter pigs, or the source for pork in the local market.

Artificial insemination centers were established with the Agriculture Training Institute (ATI) as partner of the DA Region 6 in the implementation of the INSPIRE Program.

In terms of small-scale pig farmers, the INSPIRE Program’s production and multiplier farm can be availed by organized hog raisers with Farm Cooperatives Association as their beneficiaries across the region. The Farmer Cooperatives Association shall serve as implementers of the project, which was worth 10 million pesos.

They will establish bio secured facilities or climate-controlled housing facilities for pigs that contain 30 sow -level with feeds, and other equipment. Because of the strict implementation of biosecurity, there is a need for this modern technology to be followed. Therefore, these facilities come with a perimeter fence, shower room and other biosecurity features.

Glenn Mariano urged the hog raisers, especially within the backyard level and those that are organized hog raisers- associations or cooperatives to avail the components mentioned in the INSPIRE Program. The same goes with LGUs, either on the municipal or provincial level, who may avail as implementers of the program.

When it comes to sustainability, the DA ensures to strengthen the partnership and collaboration with their partners, especially with the private sectors and stakeholders, LGUs, and the Farmer Cooperative and Association. It was made sure that the chosen beneficiaries have stable financial capacity and that the association chosen have also the capacity to operate the project. At the same time, measures and preventions to ensure the sustainability in a long-term situation are laid down with the support and partnership of the various DA agencies, Department of Agriculture’s attached agencies, LGUs, and private sectors and stakeholders.###

(Photos and Texts by: JESCEsmao/DA-RAFIS 6)