
Maayon corn farmers conduct field day on effects of biofertilizer application

Posted by: RAFIS DA6 | Posted at: September 27, 2024

Local farmers are celebrating a successful corn harvest, attributed to both their hard work and strong support from the Department of Agriculture (DA).

Mayor Raymond Malapajo of Maayon, Capiz emphasized that our cooperative efforts and the government’s unwavering support have significantly helped our farmers, who feed us all. He further stated that the DA’s initiatives specifically for corn farmers continue to inspire, improve and succeed despite of the different challenges.

The DA, in collaboration with local government units and private sector partners demonstrated scientific-based farming technologies, various biofertilizers and hybrid corn seeds from partner private companies. The farmers have the chance to observe and see for themselves the effects of different biofertilizers and production performance of various hybrid corn varieties.

Mayor Malapajo envisioned of a construction of a multi-purpose building in Maayon which will serve as a dedicated venue for trainings and seminars that will empower farmers with the skills and knowledge needed for continued success.

Dr. Aljen Vasquez, supervising science research specialist of DA-WV expressed gratitude to the Mayor and the Maayon community for embracing the project, noting that this initiative is part of the government’s mandate to provide farmers with the resources they deserve. The program concluded with presentations from biofertilizer and seed companies, showcasing products designed to enhance agricultural productivity further.###Texts and Photos by CFLauresta/DA-RAFIS 6