DA-PRDP eyes CRVA tool utilization among provinces
Posted by: RAFIS DA6 | Posted at: June 28, 2024
ILOILO CITY – In line with the aim of sustainable operations of Subprojects under the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP), the RPCO6 pushes for Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) Tool employment in the provinces during the IPLAN RPCO-PPMIU 1st Semester Assessment and Coordination Meeting on June 25-28, 2024.
The assessment tool will aid the Local Government Units (LGUs) in identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling climate risks confronting the localities. This initiative is in response to the effects of El Niño phenomenon brought about by the rapidly changing climate that has been challenging the farming activities in the countryside.
“We are pushing for the utilization of the CRVA Tool, because if we want to champion sustainability, at the planning level alone we need to address the emerging environmental challenges that are detrimental to the operations of our Subprojects,” said I-PLAN Component Head Josephine Berte.
Among the six provinces, Guimaras has already incorporated the tool in their development plan advancing their way to a climate resilient community.
Meanwhile, during the activity, the component reviewed the status of updating priority commodities in the respective provinces. As of the reporting period, mango is solely undergoing the updating process among the 14 priority commodities in the region with rice and corn commodities undergoing formulation.
The Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Unit likewise joined the activity to guide the PPMIU in updating the LGU Module and transferring of data from the MIS to the new portal, SIDLAN.
Approaching the implementation of Subprojects approved for the PRDP Scale-Up, the incorporation of CRVA Tool will be timely for a more sustainable projects in the rural communities.